Annual Crossfield Teacher Teacher of the Year Award

Purpose of the Award

The A. Scott Crossfield Aerospace Education Award (the Crossfield Award) is presented to recognize and reward aerospace education teachers for outstanding accomplishments in aerospace education and for possessing those honorable attributes we expect from American Teachers

Qualifications: Nominees can be current classroom teachers from grades kindergarten through twelfth grade from any public, private, parochial or charter school. Nominees can also be teachers in a non-traditional teaching setting.  The priority of the award is that nominees must either teach aerospace education as a subject or use aerospace education to enrich the teaching of traditional subjects. Although the Crossfield Award is an award presented to an educator, the accomplishments of the nominee need not be limited to the year for which the award is given. The award recognizes dedicated and talented aerospace educators who:

  • Set high standards for students and demand excellence in performance.
  • Strive to improve their personal academic competence and teaching ability.
  • Perform their teaching duties in an exemplary manner, resulting in true learning by students.
  • Demonstrate creativity in developing and utilizing materials to enhance the teaching of aerospace.
  • Maximize student involvement and gear activities to improve learning or create and develop a one-time project or program of such significance that it has a major impact on the teaching of aerospace education.

Nomination Package Information

Please provide via mail or submit via PDF/e-mail the following essential nominee information. Keeping in mind the selection, criteria, attach any additional documentation and/or materials you choose to enhance your nomination.

  • Your personal letter describing why your nominee deserves to receive this award. 
  • A letter of endorsement of your nominee by someone other than you. 
  • List your nominee’s previous positions, including schools, dates, levels and or disciplines. 
  • Honors and awards received by your nominee. 
  • A synopsis (250 words maximum) of your nominee’s community involvement. 
  • Documentation to support the nominee’s efforts to improve their own academic competence and show how this has enhanced aerospace education. 
  • Letters from students and / or parents that demonstrates the nominee’s exemplary teaching and an admiration by their students. 
  • Photographs of activities, field trips, special events, etc., that show:
    • Creativity in developing and utilizing materials to enhance the teaching of aerospace.
    • Student involvement and activities that improve the learning by the students.
    • A one-time project or program of such significance that it had a major impact on the teaching of aerospace education. Attachments must include a written report (1500 words maximum), accompanied by photographs and letters of endorsement indicating the scope of the project’s impact.