“The Armstrong Award” is a highly prestigious aviation award named after Neil Armstrong, the military aviator, test-pilot, astronaut, educator, and 1979 Enshrinee. The award will be presented by the National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) at its annual Enshrinement Dinner & Ceremony.
Award Criteria: The award is for exceptional aviation performance of national or international significance by a US citizen or by a group, the majority of which are US citizens. The incomparable accomplishment may be: a one-time event that establishes a new level of performance of an aviation activity; a demonstration of an exceptionally high level of personal skill in an aviation event; the development or demonstration of a breakthrough in aviation technology; or an enduring series of events that demonstrate life-long dedication to leadership in promoting aviation and the values of citizenship, dignity, integrity, and service.
Please provide the following nominee information. Please keep in mind the selection criteria and attach any additional documentation and/or materials you choose to enhance your nomination.
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