Innovation Lab – Week 11 Updates

Innovation Lab Weekly Update.

The Painting has begun, the new glass has been installed, and the doors are in place. Plus, we had a partial opening for the Bunny Trail event with an incredible 4447 visitors! These are exciting times!

The Colors

The new paint is really giving a splash of color to the Innovation Lab. This blue may not look like it in this photo because it is still wet, but it matches the blue that is used in the theatre sign.


On Friday March 29 the NMUSAF held a “Plane Talk” day in observance of National Vietnam Veterans Day. Two of our beloved volunteers, Frank Wolf & Ron Hunt can be seen here giving their talk near the Robin Olds F-4.

Here Come the Doors

The doors for the main entrance of the Innovation Lab have been carried in and as of Saturday March 30, been installed.

What a Bunch

The Bunny Trail was a terrific success. We opened only the front quarter of the Hall, but we had displays, exhibits, candy, a change to win a signed print, and wonderful smiling faces to greet our guests. Special thanks to Don Perander, Caleb Freeland, Joe Wahrer, Linda Johnson, Dona DeCosta Gomez, and Jayne White (not pictured) for all of the great help which made the day a huge accomplishment.