Innovation Lab – Week 15 Updates

Innovation Lab Weekly Update.

It’s finally here! The Joe Clark Innovation Lab is just days away from being unveiled to the world. The signs are up, the displays are built, and we are ready to reopen to the public.


Here Terry has got the shoes of and is putting the finishing touches on the display case that will be highlighting the Collier Trophy and some fine looking model aircraft.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1,…

Here you can see where ideas go to take-off. Markers and magnets will be available for kids, and adults alike, can start sharing their thoughts about the NAHF and the Innovation Lab. Who knows how far these ideas could go?


Over the weekend we had the opportunity to escape the walls of the NAHF for the Dayton Modelrama at the Montgomery County fairgrounds. Paul Stimmel was a wonderful host and we had the chance to meet Ms. Senior Ohio.


We are all excited about welcoming back visitors to the NAHF and even more elated to see all of you. After all the time away, the final results, I believe, will dazzle you. Thank you all for your patience during the last 15 weeks and be prepared to be thrilled!