Innovation Lab – Week 4 Updates
Innovation Lab Weekly Update.
This week things got turned upside in the Hall. We said goodbye to the X-Jet/Dr. Sam Williams/JetAnimation kiosk. The X-Jet display hanging from the ceiling will be staying, but as we get closer to a re-open date our young X-Jet pilot is being scheduled for some much needed TLC.
Deck Work
The deck of the aircraft carrier got a little love from volunteer Dick Palmer this week. His steady hand was able to get the numbers and center lines bright and shiny once again. The black surface is next to get a fresh coat.
Apartment, Paris
The beams and buttresses that will now be exposed in the new Innovation Lab also received some patch and new paint this week. The transformation is really beginning to take form.
Behind the Scenes
Volunteer Ned Gauder came to visit and ended up helping Linda sort through the mass of light bulbs and electrical parts that had been stored over the years.
The Bunny Trail
2024Just a reminder that we are still looking for volunteers to help us pass out candy on Saturday, March 30th from 10-3. We will not be open yet so will have a table somewhere in the NMUSAF. We have already had two volunteers confirm, but we definitely could use more. Please let me know if you can help that day.
As a follow-up to last week’s newsletter when we announced the banners were coming down. I added this picture to put into perspective as to just how big the banners are. Their size is quite deceiving when they are hanging.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the little taste of spring we have had this week.