Annual Meeting of the National Aviation Hall of Fame Board of Trustees
The Annual Meeting of the National Aviation Hall of Fame Board of Trustees and members has been set for 9:00 am (Eastern Time) on Thursday, December 6, 2012 in the NAHF boardroom located at 1100 Spaatz Street, Dayton, Ohio 45433. One of the purposes of this meeting is to elect trustees for the coming year. In addition the board will consider any matter brought before it by the membership. Members wishing to bring a matter before the Board for consideration should present the matter in writing to the Secretary no later than ten (10) days before the meeting so it can be placed on the agenda and given proper consideration. Membership messages can be forward by e-mail to [email protected] or forward to the National Aviation Hall of Fame, P.O. Box 31096, Dayton, Oh 45437-0096.