Designed the VK-30 which became the first kit aircraft featured on the cover of Aviation Week and Space Technology in January 1990.
Built a team and moved the business to Duluth, Minnesota in 1994 where they focused on getting FAA certification for their SR20. They succeeded in October of 1998 and when the first production SR20 rolled out of the factory in 1999, Cirrus was now competing with the likes of Cessna.
Created the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) which has gone on to save over 90 lives.
Introduced the first full glass cockpit Primary Flight Display (PFD) offered standard in a small aircraft line and, within three years, all the major general aviation companies were following suit.
Their company became the world leader in its class of small aircraft because of its appeal to both experienced and new pilots.
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Enshrined: 2014
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