Joined Navy Air Group 51 as its Engineering Officer. The group was training with the Hellcat fighters in preparation for the invasion of Japan.
Became a research test pilot at National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics’s High Speed Flight Research Station at Edwards Air Force Base.
Flew the X-1, X-4, and X-5 aircraft and also made the first flights to produce zero gravity effects.
Played a major role in the design and development of the X-15 and was the first person to make its test flight.
Became Director of Space and Missile System Testing in 1961 at North American’s space and information systems division.
Named Division Director of Test and Quality Assurance of the space and information division where he was responsible for programs such as the Paraglider for bringing the Gemini spacecraft down on land, and spacecraft hardware involved in 13 major space launches.
First person to exceed Mach 2 and to surpass Mach 3 and survive.
Initiated the development of the full-pressurized suit, later becoming the basis for the space suit.
Helped to develop a congressional policy on collision avoidance systems, and led a dedicated effort that resulted in the computerized national airspace system plan, offering a great improvement in airline service and safety.
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Test Pilot & Record Setter
Enshrined: 1983
Birth: October 2, 1921
Death: April 19, 2006
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