Appointed to an Aeronautical Board of Signal Corps Officers for conducting airship and airplane performance trails, where he was one of three officers taught to fly Dirigible No. 1 in August, 1908 following its acceptance.
Participated in the trials of the Wright 1909 Flyer and the Army Airplane #1.
Selected along with Lt. Frank P. Lahm to become one of the two Army officers to be taught to fly the Army’s first airplane, but before training could be initiated, he was sent to France as the official delegate from the United States to the International Congress of Aeronautics.
Commanded the 1st Aero Squadron in Mexico during the campaign to arrest Pancho Villa in 1916 and served as Chief of Air Service, A.E.F. in France from 1917 to 1918.
Oversaw the Materiel Division at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio in 1929 and became Chief of Army Air Corps in 1931.
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Pilot & Military Leader
Enshrined: 1963
Birth: December 9, 1879
Death: April 25, 1967
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