Joined Boeing’s engineering staff in 1931 where he served as Chief of the Preliminary Design Unit in 1936 and Chief Project Engineer in Charge of Military Projects in 1938. He was later named Chief Engineer in 1942 and Vice President of Engineering in 1948.
Received the Lawrence Sperry Award from the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences in 1942 for his design contributions to four-engine aircraft.
Named the Seattle Junior Chamber of Commerce’s “Young Man of the Year” in 1943 and received the Fawcett Aviation Award in 1944 for scientific contribution to aviation.
Served as Vice President and General Manager of Boeing’s System Management Office where he coordinated Boeing winning the first phase development contract for the X-20 Dyna-Soar and the assembly and test of the Air Force Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile.
Had a direct hand in the design development of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, B-29 Superfortress, C-97 Stratofreighter, 377 Stratocruiser, B-47 Stratojet, B-52 Stratofortress, the model 207, and other jet transport aircraft.
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Enshrined: 1991
Birth: August 26, 1910
Death: July 1, 1986
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