Joined the Glenn L. Martin Company as a designer following World War I.
Worked alongside Glenn Martin (enshrined 1966), Donald Douglas (enshrined 1969), and Lawrence Bell (enshrined 1977) who would all go on to form their own successful organizations.
Aided in the development of the Martin bombers used by Billy Mitchell during the famed Battleship Bombing Tests.
Joined the Douglas Aircraft Company in 1925 and became Vice President of Engineering by 1928.
Turned out 71 separate models for the Air Corps, Navy and civilian use in addition to the legendary DC series. The DC-3 was the most popular, and more than 10,000 were built for civil and military use.
Joined North American Aviation where he designed and produced the BT-9 and AT-6 trainer, the B-25 medium bomber and the classic P-51 Mustang. Kindelberger became President of the company in 1935.
After World War II, North American Aviation diversified their product line to include missiles, atomic devices, rocket engines and the Apollo spacecraft destined to reach the moon.
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Industrialist, Pilot, & Engineer
Enshrined: 1972
Birth: May 8, 1895
Death: July 27, 1962
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